North Korea Exposed: daily life in the Hermit Kingdom

This UK Parliament Palace of Westminster endorsed multi-media first-person reportage is a very powerful, ever-changing and spell-binding story.

North Korea remains the most tyrannical, the most isolated, probably the most brutal and certainly the most secretive nation on the planet. 

It continues to be the world’s most significant story; and there has rarely been a more important time to hear the truth of this State without Parallel. 

It’s a story that addresses democracy (DPRK: Democratic  People’s Republic of Korea), its alternative political system, geopolitical issues and the nature of freedom. 

Hunter has travelled within North Korea and his highly visual reportage details daily life in the world’s only Dynasty of God-Kings – and more importantly he describes how close the planet was in 2017 to World War III. Or might be in the future.

He utilises much of the country’s actual propaganda as well as his own photographs and videos obtained in North Korea to shine a light into one of the darkest corners of the world.  It is an extraordinary story not to be missed; and is updated weekly.

Pyongyang, North Korea 2011
Pyongyang, North Korea 2011